Bio Coal Briquetting is
the process of converting agricultural waste into high
density and energy concentrated fuel briquettes. Bio
Coal Briquetting plant are of various sizes which converts
agricultural waste into solid fuels. Briquettes are
ready substitute of Coal/wood in industrial boiler and
brick kiln for thermal application.
Bio Coal
briquettes are Non conventional Source of energy,
Renewable in nature, Eco friendly, non polluting
and economical. Process of converting agricultural
waste to solid fuel is also non polluting. It
has not required to add any binder / chemicals
so it is 100 % natural.
Every year millions of tons of agricultural waste
are generated. These are either not used or burnt
inefficiently in their loose form causing air
pollution. Handling and transportation of these
materials is difficult due to their low bulk density.
These wastes can provide a renewable source of
energy by converting into high-density fuel briquettes
without addition of any binder. |
Briquettes have high specific density (1200 Kg/m3) and
bulk density (800 Kg/m3) compared to just 60 to 180
Kg/m3 of loose Bio Coal. These can stand the ardors
of long distance transport. Loading/unloading and transportation
costs are much less and storage requirement is drastically
reduced. Compared to fire wood or loose Bio Coal, briquettes
give much higher boiler efficiency because of low moisture
and higher density.
Briquettes produced from briquetting of Bio Coal are
fairly good substitute for coal, lignite, firewood and
offer numerous advantages:
Bio Coal Briquettes
are cheaper than coal. |
Oil, coal or lignite, once used,
cannot be replaced. |
High sulfur content of oil and
coal, when burnt, pollutes the environment. |
There is no sulfur in Briquettes. |
Bio Coal briquettes have a higher
practical thermal value and much lower ash content
(2-10% as compared to 20-40% in coal). |
There is no fly ash when burning
Bio Coal Briquettes. |
Bio Coal Briquettes have consistent
quality, have high burning efficiency, and are
ideally sized for complete combustion. |
Combustion is more uniform compared
to coal and boiler response to changes in steam
requirements is faster due to higher quantity
of volatile matter in Bio Coal Briquettes. |
Bio Coal Briquettes are usually
produced near the consumption centers and supplies
do not depend on erratic transport from long distances. |
Bio Coal briquettes have a higher practical thermal
value and much lower ash content (2-10% as compared
to 20-40% in coal). Bio Coal are made from agricultural
and forest waste residues, which can be effectively
used to replace coal and firewood by conversion of agricultural
and forest waste into solid cylindrical form, by applying
heavy mechanical pressure known as Briquetting. Due
to existence of solid form lignin in the agro waste
which acts as a natural binder there is no need to add
chemicals or any other foreign substance to the process.
Therefore, it came to be known as Binderless Technology.
Briquettes, are easy to store, pack and hygienic to
There is a worldwide acceptance of briquettes/white
coal and growing demand for the briquetting plants.
Most advanced countries today are adapting the concepts
of preserving and also retaining their natural resources.
Energy is the key factor in economic development in
most countries today. As the world adjusts itself, to
the new millennium and the increasing demand for fuel
and energy, governments and concerned agencies worldwide
are also encouraging other developing countries to make
use of this theory. Since most of them lack knowledge
and technology but have an abundant supply of agro waste;
introduction of the briquetting industry would be a
potentially profitable project. Adoption of briquetting
technology will not only create a safe and hygienic
way of disposing the waste, but turn it into a cash
rich venture by converting waste into energy and also
contributing towards a better environment.